An Introduction of Sorts


First things first…I’m terrible at introductions. Sure when I get going, I can ramble on and on about myself but when the spotlight is turned on and “tell us about yourself” is the prompt? I have nothing.

But putting that aside, let’s give it go!

My name is Tori, I know very little about blogging, and putting myself out there online is a terrifying notion. So why I am here? Simply because I want to be. Blogging is something I continuously come back to thinking about doing and here recently I have a few friends who are putting themselves out there and gosh darnit, I want to too. Here’s a fact about me: I tend to fly by the seam of my pants and once my mind is made up on doing something, I do it. I’m not always consistent but I’m working on that flaw.

Everything I’ve read about blogging tells me that I need to have a purpose if I want this to be successful. Yeah, being successful would be nice but I’m not totally sure that’s what I want this to be. My goal for this is to just share. Share my story, my thoughts, my ideas, my journey and hopefully that impacts someone along the way because my favorite way to grow is by being inspired by someone’s story.

So. I guess I should share a little more about myself now.

I write like I talk. I’ve been told that’s both a good thing and a bad thing. You can decide which for yourself. I recently graduated with honors from a community college with two associate degrees and certificate for cosmetology. I’m technically a licensed cosmetologist, but we’ll get to that eventually. I’m gearing up to begin my quest of getting a bachelor’s in Fashion Design and Merchandising. I love fashion and style. I have major passion for costume design and all things historical in a fashion sense. I’m a red lipstick enthusiast. I have become an unapologetically HUGE Dungeons and Dragons nerd recently. I’m a former emo kid who’s just polymorphed into a slightly cooler alternative adult. I’m learning to love myself and the life I’ve been given/creating for myself. One final fact…I’m a dog mom of two, one is a doxie with a dash of terrier and her brother is a chiweenie.

There’s my introduction of sorts. I’d apologize if this wasn’t very good but I’m not going to. This is a learning process and if you stick with me then maybe we’ll learn things together.

With love, light, and a little bit of glamour
